Christopher Quincy was an American boy whose father admired everything British. As a result of this trait, Chris found himself trapped at St. Basket’s, an ancient London school founded -- and built -- in the time of Henry VIII and, Chris thought, i...
The Revolution was tearing Tim's family apart. All his life, Tim Meeker has looked up to his brother Sam. Sam's smart and brave, and always knows the right thing to do. In fact, everyone in town had admired Sam Meeker. Until now. Now Sam is par...
THE BOY NEXT DOOR After discovering him during a six-second spot on television, George Stable's agent devises a plan to launch George's music career as the hot new "Boy Next Door." Unfortunately, his dad has other plans for the summer, and George is ...
Explores the lives and contributions of more than one hundred major jazz musicians as well as describing the major styles and stages marking the development of jazz from ragtime and blues to electronic jazz...
A free thirteen-year-old black girl in Connecticut is caught up in the horror of the Revolutionary War and the danger of being returned to slavery when her patriot father is killed by the British and her mother disappears....
Willy Freeman’s life changes forever when she witnesses her father’s death at the hands of the Redcoats and returns home to find that the British have taken her mother as a prisoner to New York City. Willy, disguised as a boy, begins her long sea...
Everyone in Timber Falls knows that his family is trash, and sometimes Harry White thinks he’ll always be trash. But he can’t help getting angry -- what had he and his sister, Helen, ever done to anybody? When he discovers the local carpet factor...
Fourteen-year-old Chris Winchester is torn between two worlds. By birth, he's part of the indomitable Winchester clan, owners of the enormous electronics factory that employs nearly everyone in town. Yet Chris' father gave up his stake in the busines...
At fourteen, Fergy is tired of his family's life style. He's tired of living in a van with his parents, J. P. and Gussie, and his younger sister, Ooma. He's sick of peddling honey and pamphlets of his father's writings. And most of all he hates steal...
Sneaking into the majestic house on Park Row last night and unlocking the door for the well-dressed stranger had been exciting. Still, Roger knows that what he did for Circus was wrong, especially when he learns from the newspaper that one of the inh...
"The text presents a unified view of Ellington as a 'special' human being; convinced even as a young boy that he would do great things in life, he labeled himself Duke and set about looking for the venue in which he would excel. He found it in jazz"....
A vivid portrayal of the Civil War. Johnny, fourteen, convinces his mother to let him join a wagon train carrying food to Confederate soldiers. He has been brought up to believe that all blacks are stupid; thus, when captured by a black Union soldier...
Life for indentured servants in pioneer Virginia is hard. It is doubly hard for Richard Ayre, a London orphan who had been scooped off the streets as a child and sent to the Jamestown Colony. But a chance encounter with an Indian boy his own age give...
When the Depression strikes America, throwing millions out of work, Petey Williamson's family seems safe. Hadn't the boss promised Petey's father that he'd always have a job? But during the Depression, promises cannot always be kept, and Petey finds ...
Carrie has been a kitchen slave in Sam Fraunces’ tavern in New York City for as long as she can remember. But after she narrowly escapes a kidnapper, Carrie becomes more curious about her mysterious past. After all, she doesn’t even know her own ...
Nick Hodges had always been a troublesome boy. Growing up an orphan in his Uncle Jack’s care in a small New England town wasn’t easy. Everyone was a little wary, a little watchful -- a little too watchful. One day, while Nick is walking in the wo...
Life at Deacon Smith’s Home for Waifs would be completely dreary if it weren’t for Possum’s best friend, Billy, who “thinks up lies faster than he can talk” and provides plenty of excitement for the other boys. When Billy hears that gold is...
Gene Richards is haunted by a voice, and he doesn’t like what its saying. He’s trying to ignore it -- pretend it’s not real -- but the voice has plans for Gene. A long time ago, something bad happened in the town of Magnolia -- something that G...
Paulie Horvath is never going to be a good student like his brother, John, never going to follow his hardworking father into the plumbing trade, never going to ease his mother's mind by passing tests or cleaning up his room. But once he hears jazz by...
Christopher Quincy was an American boy whose father admired everything British. As a result of this trait, Chris found himself trapped at St. Basket's, an ancient London school founded—and built—in the time of Henry VIII and, Chris thou...
A twelve-year-old boy, whose problems include having to take "Square" music lessons, an attachment to a childhood teddy bear, and a father who earns a living creating comic strips, gets involved with jewel thieves in an attempt to break the dull rout...
When the Depression strikes America, throwing millions out of work, Petey Williamson's family seems safe. Hadn't the boss promised Petey's father that he'd always have a job? But during the Depression, promises cannot always be kept, and Petey finds ...
Twelve-year-old George Stable wants to be a rock star someday, but he gets horrible stage fright -- unless he has his old teddy bear with him. Hiding the teddy in his guitar seems like a brilliant idea. Then George discovers that someone has hidden s...
Life for indentured servants in pioneer Virginia is hard. It is doubly hard for Richard Ayre, a London orphan who had been scooped off the streets as a child and sent to the Jamestown Colony. But a chance encounter with an Indian boy his own age give...
Back before the stock market crash, Jack's dad had been working steadily and their family had had plenty of money. But now, in the middle of the 1930s Depression, there isn't much work for a trombone player -- just a gig down in New York City once in...
Char, Weddy, and Nuell are excited over their discovery on this strange planet Pleisto, but also terrified, for the leader of their expedition, Professor Joher, has disappeared. Nuell and Weddy, his son and daughter, are concerned for his safety, whi...
"Popular Disasters," James Lincoln Collier's new collection of his humor, includes some of his best-known pieces, as well as many collected here for the first time, among them "The Care and Feeding of Life's Greatest Calamities," "The Truth About Rud...
MEMORABLE MOMENTS. TANTALIZING TALES. James Collier is a London based Dominant, and in this rare, unapologetic expose, he shares some of his more romantic, debauched, and whimsical escapades. With help from Maggie Carpenter, he has dramatized his sto...
The sequel to the Newbery Honor classic My Brother Sam Is Dead by bestselling author James Lincoln Collier!Tim has lost both his father and his brother, Sam, to the Revolutionary War. And for what? The war continues, with fighting and bloodshed all a...