It's the eve of the Festival of Greatness and Dane has a big problem. He's yet to choose his nickname. Dane the Dangerous? Dane the Despicable? He can't decide. But when Dane sees his proud father shamed by the evil tyrant Thidrek the Terrifying, Dan...
Can life get any worse for Dane the Defiant? The same villagers who once praised him for his courage in defeating Thidrek the Terrifying now blame him for everything that has gone wrong since then: The torrential downpours. The dwindling food supp...
How can Dane defeat an enemy that's already dead? Dane the Defiant is determined to free his beloved Astrid from her Valkyrie servitude. And he learns of a way -- a dark and dangerous way. He must hunt and kill a savage foe: none other than his fo...