Because of they make the best fireworks in their Mexican village, Pepito, his sister Amelia, and their parents are asked to create a grand firework castle to honor their village's patron saint, but a clever pickpocket threatens to ruin the celebratio...
"I bet your cow never sneezed a hole in the schoolhouse wall. Our cow did " Thus begins is one of the funniest, fastest-paced, tallest-tale stories ever told The fun mounts as absurdity cascades on absurdity, until at the very end one small boy l...
The day before Christmas, Kathryn's present from Uncle Dingo arrives in a big box. Naturally, it's a lively kangaroo. Kathryn can't wait to show grandma, so she hops onto Adelaide's back and off they go!
But getting to Grandma's proves more ...
Jim Flora's fantastically illustrated books captivated kids throughout the 1960s and 70s, so much so that secondhand copies sell for exorbitant sums. Grandpa's Ghost Stories has been the most sought-after of his children's books, and Feral House is p...
When Grandpa was a boy, the most terrible thing happened to him the day before Christmas. While taking a shortcut through the woods, he met three fearsome witches. One, with sharp teeth and hair like an unmowed lawn, pointed her finger at him, squeal...
Grandpa lives on a farm and likes to tell his grandson tall tales. There is no end to Grandpa's hilarious invention or to James Flora's comic illustrations. Here are just a few of Grandpa’s whoppers! Grandpa is almost as tall as the tre...
Have you ever seen a See-Through Crumbpicker? Well, neither had Minerva! But, one day, eating yummy cookies and dropping lots of crumbs because her front teeth were missing, Leopold the See-Through Crumbpicker brushed by her and ate up all the crumbs...