James Paavola introduces the first novel in his "murder in Memphis" series: "The Chartreuse Envelope: Murder In Memphis." Wall Street meets Main Street in Memphis, Tennessee. When the subprime mortgage strategies began to unwind in 2007, and the stoc...
Memphis Police Lieutenant Julia Todd returns in the second installment in the Murder in Memphis series. She is concerned when she learns that three of her elderly aunt's high school classmates have died in their hosptial beds within the past six mont...
This is the third book in the Murder In Memphis series: Car bombs, a serious weapon of choice--matching family members' pain when a loved one dies because their health insurance company's priority is its bottom line. A powerful motive for murder. Two...
Two bodies are discovered within a mile of one another, one a teenage prostitute, the other an investment counselor. Memphis Police Lieutenant Julia Todd and her team's investigations take them in two directions: Mexican cartels and Ponzi schemes. Th...
Cast the First Stone is the fifth book in the Murder In Memphis series. Homosexuality--it's religious, social and political implications--is the backdrop for this mystery. Three gay men murdered--no suspects. A video of Memphis police officers beatin...
The Unspeakable is the sixth book in the Murder In Memphis series. Author James Paavola weaves a story of illegal aliens, Memphis-based sex trafficking, and of course, murder. The body of a young girl is found--a throwaway child. For Memphis polic...
Eighth graders Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike--a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship develops when they discover they both have psychic powers: they can read minds and ghosts communicate with them. Book #2 in the Son...
Eighth graders Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike-a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship developed after they discovered they both had psychic powers: they can read minds, and ghosts talk to them. Their ghost friends help th...
Eighth graders Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike—a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship developed after they discovered they both had psychic powers: they can read minds, and ghosts talk to them. Their ghost friends h...
This paranormal, upper middle-grade mystery series follows the adventures of two eighth graders. Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike--a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship develops when they discover they both have psychic p...
Eighth graders Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike—a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship develops when they discover they both have psychic powers: they can read minds, and ghosts communicate with them. Sonny’...
Eighth graders Sonny and Breanne look nothing alike—a short black boy, a tall white girl. Their special friendship developed after they discovered they both had psychic powers: they can read minds, and ghosts talk to them. Their ghost friends h...