About the BookFancys Way is a bold and thought-provoking work that tells the story of a young African-American girl and her family who live in Mississippi in the South during the turbulent 1960s. The Debonair family struggles with their...
After the mysterious disappearance of her father when she was only 3 years old, Amelia has lived with her aunt in a small house on the outskirts of a small forest, just north of a logging town. Life was quiet and a bit boring until her 16th birthday ...
Jimmy Adams was laid off from a hedge fund in early 2009. Wearied by eight years in the bond market and disillusioned by the financial services profession, he decides to get an “honest job” for a change. Before he knows what hit him, Jimmy...
At Wilshire & Westwood is a fictional short story set during the Spring of 2012 when tyrannical real estate developer “mega-boss” Porsche Blaylock-Payne returns from vacation and meets a new hire by the name of Imani Gellespi. The two women b...
Brad Lando had ridden a hell-trail along the Mexican border - a loner with hard eyes and a reputation as a fast man with a gun. Now he wanted to end the trouble and violence which had followed him for more than three years, but in the tiny border tow...