STAR PATROL 1 Invasion of the Globes by J. A. Connell This is a tale of alien invasion set 300 years in the future. The story centers around 28 year old Doctor Samantha Wilson. Born and raised on one of Earth's colony worlds, she has taken a me...
This is a story of alien invasion set 300 years in the future. The fifteen to twenty meter diameter silver Globes were first thought to be a fleet of spaceships, but as it turned out they were creatures so different from Mankind that Humans could not...
This is a story of alien invasion set 300 years in the future. The fifteen to twenty meter diameter silver Globes were first thought to be a fleet of spaceships, but as it turned out they were creatures so different from Mankind that Humans could no...
This part of the story begins several months after Man's colonies and the Earth itself have been invaded from outside the realm of human worlds by alien creatures called Globes. They have but one purpose, to breed. Globes are able to manipulate en...