Gideon Turner—doctor—scientist—vigilante. After being captured in Venezuela by guerrillas and used as a genetic engineering experiment, Gideon finds himself with strange super-abilities. When he is rescued and returns home to Soj...
Since the defeat of Luca Serban and the outing of Gideon Turner's identity as the Seraph, Gideon has been focused on one mission: finding the man who gave him powers. In Freedom's Fight, Gideon, along with his best friend Dean, girlfriend Jolie, ...
As superhumans begin showing up around the world, Gideon and the rest of the Vindicators know that they have to stop Professor Ashcroft before he sets out to create a worldwide superhuman crisis. But is the team still interested in working together? ...
Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the first Christmas miracle. But miracles are still happening today and can happen in any time, space, or realm, as six authors explore in this Christmas anthology.“Captain’s Con...
With Gideon's loss of his superpowers and the scattering of his friends, it seems the days of the Vindicators are over for good. Gideon and Jolie are settling into married life, Dean is brokering a deal with the government in D.C., and Carter is work...