Fiction. DREAM LIVES OF BUTTERFLIES is about the discrepancy between the haves and the have-nots at the end of twentieth century in America, a time of stock-market boom and working-class bust. Colbert's characters are mostly in the latter camp. Set m...
Shark Girls is about two women whose lives are transformed by a shark attack that amputates a child's leg. It is narrated by "Scat," the older sister of the victim, now a reformed drunk and a "disaster photographer," alternating with the story of "Gr...
Fiction. This collection of "linked, rural-noir" stories depicts endangered humans in endangered environment. Jaimee Wriston Colbert has given us a story collection for our times. In WILD THINGS, Colbert's human characters face displacement, just lik...
Vanishing Acts is the story of three generations of a troubled family, in the shadow of the Vietnam War to the 21st century perils of climate change, set in a Hawaii that is both fantastical and gritty in its portrayal of life down under...