Orphaned as a young girl because of the imprudent marriage of her mother, Queen Katherine Parr, Mary Seymour vows never to fall in love-and under no circumstances will she marry. Lady Strange, her mysterious guardian, offers the young woman an extrao...
This new and important anthology of contemporary women writers includes the work of Kim Barnes, Mary Clearman Blew, Claire Davis, Kelly Cherry, Amina Gautier, Elizabeth Graver, Ann Harleman, Pam Houston, Jill McCorkle, Marjorie Sandor, Margot Singer,...
Sixteen-year old Miranda has no idea how much her life is going to change upon hearing the news of her father's death. Left with little dowry to offer, Miranda faces a broken engagement, and is sent to live with her father's cousin, the Count John Ha...
Three friends, 33 days, and 500 miles walking the Camino de Santiago add up to one journey they’ll never forget Piper Rose, Dani Shapiro, and Alexandra ‘Tessa’ Louise De Mille Morrow share a history that goes back to their preschool y...
A summer in Paris as a nanny should be a dream job for eighteen-year-old Julie, but it feels more like a consolation prize after not getting into the Art Institute of Chicago, her dream school. Her mom wants her to come back to Texas and attend a sta...
A coming-of-age story about losing your dreams -- and finding new ones in Paris A summer in Paris as a nanny should be a dream job for 18-year-old Julie, but it feels more like a consolation prize after not getting into the Art Institute of...
Sixteen-year-old Lorelei takes a job at a local stable in West Texas where her mother used to ride. Last year, Lorelei's mother died in a car wreck, and her father has since remarried. Now, a new baby is on the way, and Lorelei feels more confused an...
In Exit, Pursued by a Bear, art-particularly the visual arts-is a unifying and simultaneously expansive theme, from Intention's grieving portraitist to the artists and female caregivers who wander the paths of Solstice in the Jardin du Luxembourg. Wi...