Set within their spiral galaxy, between the expanse waves of Mira and Axis Prime, an exploring society called Deneva has created the answer to a harmonious continuance in the universe. One citizen of remarkable insight and intelligence, Dr. Shesga...
All life forms dream. Even the overlooked organism in the soil beneath our feet which ventilate the soil. Many of these have extended life spans exceeding our own. Likewise among this category are variations that achieve remarkable transformations...
E.V.A.IN.E., the ancestors ghost and guide of the old makers colony, stood before the artificial intelligent remake of her creator's figure. "There was one before me. The one who created me. The power to be whole was made for me. I heard his mind's v...
A World Exists where the Incomparable Beauty of an Alien Technology Meets Its Ultimate Challenge: To Remain Protector of Their Secret Trancendent Yet to Be Born.A remote planet's inhabitants' coexistence with ghost colonization from another world. Th...