Part history, part romance, and part action-adventure novel, Sun Going Down follows the fortunes of Ebenezer Paint and his descendants -- rough and tough individuals who are caught up in Civil War river battles, epic cattle drives through drought and...
From the award-winning author of the acclaimed Sun Going Down comes an intimate portrait of a marriage and a family struggling to survive turbulent times that echo our own. THE PAINT FAMILY built an American empire on the legendary strength of the...
Set against the sweeping backdrop of World War II, Rain Falls Like Mercy is a gripping depiction of a family and a country touched by the grand violence of war, the senseless violence of crime, and the intimate violence of the heart. IN THE TRADIT...
“Powerful . . . Todd’s vivid language is perfectly suited to the epic sweep of his narrative.” -- Publishers Weekly, starred review of Rain Falls Like Mercy Set in mythical Belle Coeur County in a time not too far from our own, Rose & Poe...