This is a tale of loyalty and betrayal. Charlie Barrow, a British journalist with a colourful past now working in Germany, is obsessed by The Movement, a neo-Nazi organisation with growing influence among the young in the former German Democratic Rep...
Breaking the Cross is a tale of corruption, racism and neo-fascism in post-communist . Charlie Barrow (who featured in my first thriller A Wicked Device) is a British journalist working out of . He uncovers a plot by Colonel Mihaly Kozma, the top man...
What would you do if you were lost in the desert?Can two people from hostile cultures overcome their differences?This is a story of survival, love and destiny. A romance with feeling and care for the Native American setting, and an unexpected en...
This short story introduces Ax Weller, a space miner who has collected strange tales from his decades spent in the remote regions of deep space.The Companion is the tale of an explorer left for dead on a desolate moon and the unlikely relationship th...
It's open season on Leeland Rand when his own government targets him for elimination. Is he a deadly killer, or a pawn in a game of cat and mouse? Or both?A mysterious stranger warns Rand to run or die, but where do you go when you are public enemy n...
After a weekend of fun and excess he can't remember, Ravi wakes to a living nightmare that will change him forever. Soon he finds out where he is headed, and whether he likes it or not, who he is. Blue is for Boys is an outrageous science fiction sho...
The crew of Mars Mission 31 discovers an alien artifact from a distant planet similar to Earth. Deciphering it reveals the events that transpired on Plixon, an oppressive, dystopian world where the population is monitored and controlled by a supercom...
Murder is never simple.When the young husband of a wealthy California heiress is found dead on his yacht, Raja Williams and his partner head to Los Angeles. Their investigation leads to the ruthless Chinese mafia, a depraved human trafficking ring an...
Sometimes justice needs a hand.
C'est La Vie is a rollicking detective mystery thriller featuring Raja Williams and his partner Vinny Moore. Neither the dark, tragic anti-hero nor the James Bond super-hero type, Raja Williams is a wealthy Oxford-e...
Sometimes justice needs a hand.
When a young lawyer for the top environmental law firm in Seattle is found dead on Mount Rainier, the police declare it a tragic accident. A desperate mother turns to Raja Williams, a private investigator always...
What do an underground Zionist cell, a Harlem drug dealer and the Russian mob have in common? Diamonds. After an innocent Jewish woman is brutally stabbed in Central Park, Raja and Vinny head to New York to find out why. The case takes Raja undercove...
Justice Must Be Served When veteran police inspector Francesco Morelli is called to an historic Catholic Church in the middle of the night, he finds a priest has been brutally murdered in front of the altar. The killer, who was shot in the act of com...
Journalist Charlie Barrow originally intends to explore Spain as a tourist, to relax and escape from the pressures of work. But after his arrival in Castillo, where a mass grave of Civil War victims has been discovered, Barrow can't resist the tempta...
When the innocent die, someone has to pay.Private detective Raja Williams and his partner Vinny Moore travel to the land called Oz to investigate the unusual death of a grad student doing an ecological study in one of Australia's famed eucalyptus for...
In a city already simmering with racial conflict, the daring public assassination of its newly elected African American woman mayor lights the fuse.A killer with no memory of committing the crime brings Raja and Vinny to the Big Easy in the middle of...
A political campaign turned deadly. A little girl who saw too much. An honest cop who won’t let go. Sometimes justice needs a hand.The leading candidate for head of government in Mexico City is boldly assassinated during the campaign. When his chie...
The brutal murder of innocents. The rising drumbeat of a race war. A maniacal plan for global domination. Murder is never simple.South Africa meets Raja Williams . . . takes you into the dark side and good conquering evil does prevail even when it se...
A racist murder. Territorial surf gangs. A drug lord peddling death. Murder is never simple.When a white girl is found dead on the beach with a racial slur scrawled on her back, private investigator Raja Williams and his partner, Vinny Moore, land in...
Is it a serial killer the FBI is hunting, a deadly and twisted blackmail plot, or something more demonic at work? Murder is never simple. A rash of suicides among the wealthy elite in Manhattan goes unnoticed until a private investigator who was...
Death by poison dart. Forest fires. Government greed. Murder is never simple.When an environmental scientist studying indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest is murdered, Raja and Vinny are called to Brazil to find out why. Solving the murder take...
Preface to Guardians of Valor: A Veteran's Quest This book is dedicated to all the Americans who have sacrificed so much to make America the greatest nation in history. May their courage and dedication always be remembered, and may all Americans cont...
In a world where magic and steel intertwine, where warriors and adventurers seek glory in battle and riches beyond their wildest dreams, one name stands above the rest: Aelar Stormforge. Known far and wide as the most brilliant weaponsmith to ever li...