Set against the backdrop of nineteenth-century history, this novel depicts the du Pont clan's bitter rivalries, clandestine loves, and brutal struggles for control of the powerful du Pont munitions empire...
Three young men, cousins in the powerful DuPont family, band together when they find themselves outcast from the family power structure and struggle to reclaim their stolen legacies, fighting hatred, rivalry, and greed...
Snatched from th delight of rushing puberty just as he is thrown into the willing affection of the loveliest girl in school, fourteen-year-old Gerald Burke is spirited off to a seminary by a zealous mother and a persuasive monk eager to take a fresh ...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Jack Rowe has published 4 books.
Jack Rowe does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Sin Jar, was published in January 2011.
The first book by Jack Rowe, Brandywine, was published in April 1984.