This debut collection of stories holds a fun house mirror to the everyday lives of characters as empathetic as they are absurd. You've met the characters in The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure. They're the quirky visionaries and misguid...
Glittering with mischief and perversity, Pushcart Prize-winner Jack Pendarvis s latest collection introduces readers to a world of dreamers poised on the brink of all sorts of disaster a world only a wink and a nod away from our own. In the title nov...
On the heels of Phillip Marlowe and Mike Hammer comes Jack Pendarvis’ gumshoe Burns. OrÂ... not. At first glance, Shut Up, Ugly has all the ingredients for a hardboiled hit: A gun in the back. A sock to the jaw. A threatening dwarf. A sinister mill...
These stories are linked by humor, setting, themes and recurring characters -- cat lovers, murderers, gamblers, ghosts and fools -- but mostly by the movie stars, gods and goddesses who look down on us struggling mortals with a mixture of benevolence...