After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, and a variety of other surreptitious domestic threats and crimes that subsequently occurred throughout the nation in the following years, the Joint Chiefs of Staff endeavored to imp...
Task Force Agent "Seeker" and his on-again/off-again girlfriend FBI Special Agent Stephanie Anderson have their vacation interrupted to save a kidnapped girl, only to find themselves in pursuit of the elusive international extortionist known as The T...
Jack Gannon and Cyndi Williams-Barnier, the authors of the Task Force Series, have compiled a selection of short stories they wrote together or individually, in a variety of styles and genres, including a special short story set within their Task For...
Advertising artist Wayne Martin dies in a car accident, but it wasn't his time. He is given the opportunity to return to life by InSpectres, afterlife beings who return souls to their bodies if they die at the wrong time, but he must also work as an ...
When Harri Lewis (aka Agent "Proteus") isn't working a major crime case with the specialized Federal Task Force Division, she is happily working as a special effects makeup artist in Hollywood. While working on the set of a horror movie, a simulated ...
Billy Lawrence, a humble dry cleaner business owner, and his assistant Fred are suddenly taken prisoner in his own business by several well-dressed criminals. The Spy of Task Force Division is notified of the situation and is sent to defuse the situa...
Six months have passed since advertising artist Wayne Martin unexpectedly died. In a bizarre turn of events, he was brought back to life only to find himself caught between two worlds. Given the designation as an InSpectre in a heavenly corporation, ...
A secret Federal Task Force is on the hunt for a sadistically twisted serial killer. She has managed to slip through the fingers of local law enforcement and the FBI, as the crimes are far graver than anyone could have imagined.
Years of phy...
This book includes three short stories based on characters in the authors' debut novel "MURDER IN TWOS AND THREES", which they self-published in 2012. The first two stories were previously self-published, and the third story is brand-new.
Bite of The Black Widow by Jack Gannon and Cyndi Williams-Barnier is a wonderful blend of thriller and crime fiction, a story that follows the dark work of a serial killer. Lacy has been betrayed by many people, and now she is out with her lover and ...
Harold, a scientist on the hunt for Bigfoot, has gone missing in the forests of northwest Washington State. Task Force Agent Hunter, accompanied by Cat Whisker Margaux Martell, has been dispatched to find him, not realizing the dangers awaiting them ...
Several authors from the United States and Canada have submitted short stories and poems for the first annual TALES ON THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD anthology. Genres range from the Wonderful World of Oz to westerns, fantasy, science fiction, thriller, and m...
Trail of The Oracle is a mystery murder by Jack Gannon and Cyndi Williams-Barnier. Lieutenant Commander Angela Jason, also known as Agent Oracle, is the agent in charge of the Task Force section, which conducted a specialized study on the internet an...