Synopsis This book is fictional based on a true premise At night an evil entity walked the foggy streets of historic old Charleston carefully choosing his next victim A serial killer raping and killing elderly women had invaded this serene old Southe...
Each soldier who chooses to join his brothers in arms to defend this country's freedom knows that at sometime he will have to enter the valley of the shadow of death. As you pass through this valley brought on by human conflict, some become lost in t...
After her great uncle's passing, Faith Hathaway loses her inherited ranch home in a suspected arson fire. Determining to sell part of her property to cover her financial problems, she changes her mind when meeting Roger Fair, a smug developer who is ...
After living a torturous and cruel existence, Myka holds onto the one thing that vampire's believed are a weakness; her soul and humanity. Unexpectedly she is rescued from her three-hundred year imprisonment only to find herself to be the key in an e...
Six ex-military buddies, who remained friends after their tour, join forces in trying to find their kidnapped comrade. The pursuit drives them from Chattanooga to Atlanta and Miami. Drugs, murder, and greed hinder the raiders through their hair-raisi...
Samuel Richardson and the theory of tragedy is a bold new interpretation of one of the greatest European novels, Samuel Richardson's Clarissa. It argues that this text needs to be rethought as a dangerous exploration of the ethics of tragedy, on the ...
Patience Wilson, an aspiring illustrator who for now is happy with any honest occupation that will pay the bills. At her aunts recommendation she applies for a job with a local temp agency and lands a position at the esteemed Hotel Fitzwilliam-Henry....
When Tessa Andrews’s husband Tom is killed in car accident, her dreams of being a mother died with him. Devastated by the loss, she vowed she would never let her heart be broken again. Now, three years later, Tess lives alone in the big empty house...
Jackson Carter has loved the same woman for most all of his life. After years of being stuck as nothing more than Cassie Wilkinson’s best friend, Jackson accepts that he may never get her love. When he’s given a rare opportunity to know her intim...
A mysterious happening of a missing and reappearing first-edition novel leads Faith Hathaway on an adventure to Riverbend, Florida. Does the occurrence have anything to do with the mercantile's colorful past as believed by the town's historical soci...
Julie is a young reporter looking for her big break in an effort to advance her career. In her search of the story that will get her front-page recognition, she may be biting off more than she can chew.Devan is a freelance photographer that takes pen...
Marie has been hiding in plain sight for the last four years. But like a puzzle that has been put together and torn apart numerous times, she feels like there are pieces missing. But she's safe. She got out. She survived.Matt has built something of h...
Cypress grew up as a nomad. Everything she knows of life, she learned inside the confines of an Airstream camper while traveling the country from one street fair to another. As an adult, Cypress left her gypsy life behind to plant her roots and open ...
'What percentage chance is there for this individual, the one you've met, the one whose qualifications you're validating, the one you're tracking through contacts - what percentage chance is there that this very individual could be, in the near futur...
The thing about growing up in a small town is that everyone knows you. They know your secrets. They know your shame. It's something that you can never get away from, no matter how invisible you are to those around you. No matter how desperately you j...
A string of unsolved murders. A homicide detective having blackouts becomes the suspect.A handsome, mysterious man offers answers, but his answers challenge everything she knows about reality.A strange new realm fraught with dangers she never could h...