A human, a dwarf and an elf walk into a bake-off...In the heart of Adenashire, where elfish enchantments and dwarven delights rule, Arleta Starstone, a human confectionist works twice as hard perfecting her unique blend of baking and apothecary herbs...
Spilling the tea has never been so cozy...In the quaint town of Adenashire, Doli Butterbuckle, a people-pleasing sunshine dwarf, is content with her simple tea magic and circle of friends. It's true she's never quite lived up to family expectations, ...
From cold rivalry to hot cocoa and warm hearts.Jez, a grumpy Fennex, wants nothing to do with the cold, snow or bustling winter games descending on the charming town of Adenashire. She'd rather curl up for a nap. But a drunken boast lands her smack i...