Two hundred years from now, in a world of exploitation and brutality, a young woman of remarkable strength and intelligence fights for her mother's life, her own freedom, and possession of her own body and soul...
In 1975, Robert A. Heinlein was sixty-six, at the height of his literary career; J. Neil Schulman was twenty and hadn't yet started his first novel. Because he was looking for a way to meet his idol, Schulman wangled an assignment from the New York D...
"A cautionary tale with a disturbing resemblance to past history and future possibilities" (Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate), "Alongside Night" portrays the last two weeks of the world's greatest superpower and ends on a triumphant note of hope....
An L.A. radio talk-show host is sent on a mission from God that takes him to Heaven -- then back to earth -- on a rollercoaster adventure that includes meetings with the most famous celebrities in Heaven and on earth....