The residents of a small town in upstate New York are shaken by the beheading of a pretty high school girl, whose murderer could be the ghost of the Colonial Headsman who, legend has it, returns to Braddock every few years to re-enact a centuries-old...
If you knew you were going to die, you'd do anything to live. Wouldn't you? After the death of his cousin, 16-year-old Bull's had time to move on. Despite Grace, despite music, he's finding it harder to cope. Lewis understands what it...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
J. Harvey has published 2 books.
J. Harvey does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, The Best Last Thing to Do P., was published in September 2020.
The first book by J. Harvey, Headsman, was published in September 1991.