An intimate narrative of the exchange between Samuel and Hope, told from Hope's perspective, this short story prequel to the Running in the Dark series sheds light on a frightening event witnessed by Bessina, who later narrates book one of the series...
War is raging between the Immortals and the Dark Prince's army of half-breed vampires - and gifted Ella finds herself at the center. Can renegade half-breed vampire Kale keep her safe as their forbidden love awakens? After a fatal hit and run acciden...
More than a century since the tragedy of Hélène's death, the world continues to find Kale moving about in an all-consuming haze of personal punishment. How will he ever find the will to move on and accept his immortal existence? Former playboy turn...
Trace’s job has always revolved around death. Trace is a Watcher, a position created to assist the undead to their final resting place without alerting humans of the vampire race. Whether his job is to witness the death of a fellow vampire or deal ...
We all wear two masks. One to hide from the world. The other to hide from ourselves.From Inger Iversen, the first book in a best-selling BWWM romance series, A Future Worth Fighting For that reaches across the great divide between prejudice and love....
THIS IS A SHORT STORY TO BE READ AFTER ETERNAL LIGHT, THE FINAL BOOK IN THE FEW ARE ANGELS SERIES.Five years after the creation of NOIR, Ella and Kale find themselves searching for a cure once again. Follow Ella and Kale on a journey to save the Chor...
Ella has accepted her fate of fifteen years with Aleixandre, but she won't accept the fact he plans to use his powers to eradicate the Chorý race. Neither his promise to release her early, or allowing Kale to reside with her in the garden house is e...
Ex-Marine and former combat trainer, Trent Reed has been shot and placed in war zones behind enemy lines for most of his Marine Corp career. But when his best friend, Logan, calls in a favor, he is faced with one of the hardest decisions of his life-...
Depending on who you talk to, the Vampire Nation is either corrupt or a necessary evil. The Sect was formed to eradicate all things vampire, or maybe it’s just their mission to protect humans. Echo has been on both sides. He was once a Watcher for ...
After narrowly escaping from the Russian’s king of vampires compound, Ophelia is on the run and fighting for her life. Her first goal is to get some help; too bad she’s stuck on an island owned by Vasily. Her second and third goals consist of goi...
Former Marine, Trent Reed, is in desperate need of a Hail Mary. With each failed attempt to convince his woman to pack up and move to Kentucky, his past finds some new way to rear its ugly head. But when his pregnant ex plows into his life, all hell ...
A Future Worth Fight For is the first of a two-volume set. Volume one includes THREE previously published bestselling novels: Incarcerated, Inevitable, and Indelible, a bonus short story and the first TWO CHAPTERS OF ROGUE IN LOVE. Bestselling romanc...
Missing Teal and Trent from Inevitable: Love & War? Check out Rogue in Love, the first of many standalones featuring Trent Reed's new employees! Ten years ago, Lex was forced to skip town, giving up everything he’d ever known. But even his time in ...
Open Wounds: Hope & Abel, a Love Against the Odds AWWM Novella If you could see your life from inception to death, would you change things or would you let your death play out as fate intended? Abel is in search of only two things: a stable job and a...
Months after opening up his heart â€" and his past â€" Trent is looking forward to a future with his new bride and daughter. He’s recovered from the near-fatal shooting, hopes to purchase a farm for his beloved Teal, and is building a life free fro...
All Maxine needs is a name.Just one piece of information could help Maxine mend a past mistake and let go of her broken past. That name she needs? Her father's murderer. Not because she harbors any tender feelings toward the bastard who beat her moth...
Want to whet your appetite with the men of Blackwater in the Blackwater Renegades MC before the release of the full-length Blackwater series? Read these shorts and immerse yourself in the men of Blackwater and their personal life. Find out what makes...
Blackwater Renegade Dex knows what he has to do—and she isn't going to like it. Forcing Nina James to confront her past after everything she's gone through is going to be rough—and he's a Renegade for Christ's sake. The fiery and feisty N...
He ain't no hero. But he's not throwing a half-starved kid to the wolves....Eddie Houston wears the Blackwater Renegades MC “Nomad” rocker, serving as the club's eyes and ears out west. Otherwise, the ex-convict junkyard picker and bounce...