This is the story of two pairs of sisters - Gemma and Daisy, their mother Estella and her sister Shirley. It tells of love and passion, jealousy and secrets, and follows a family mystery back to its origins in the 1950s - the consequences of which st...
Holly has everything she ever wanted, but it isn't enough. She's successful in her career and has a whole roomful of designer clothes, but she's looking for new goals, maybe even a husband. Clare is married with two children, living in a cottage w...
On a perfect spring morning, Alexander catches a train into London, but never reaches work. Instead, he spends the day with Kate, a waitress he met the night before. Such a perfect day, Nell goes to the seaside, hoping that the sea air will blow aw...
Alison is sophisticated and married to the ideal husband, but still wondering what the future holds. Lia is living in blissful contentment with the man she loves, and Ginger is unable to hold down a relationship for more than a few weeks. These 3 wom...
From glass slippers to glass ceilings, via glam rock, punk, and the New Romantics, the lives of two very different woman from the same small town unfold against the backdrop of a divided nation. It is 1969, and eight-year-old Julia dreams of being a ...
The small seaside town of Kingshaven is looking picture perfect in the spring sunshine. With recession coming to an end, house prices on the move, and summer on its way, there's much for the people of the town to look forward to. Then, suddenly, the ...