Behave or the Cucuy will get you. That’s what Jacob has always been told. Using its large red ear, the beast listens for naughty children to whisk away and make its meal. Jacob reminds his younger sister of this cautionary tale while he’s...
Colton’s worst fears have come true. He’s starting middle school friendless and immediately manages to totally embarrass himself. But then Brea invites him to sit with her at lunch. The girl is so nice and sure of herself. He eagerly join...
Mac has always been a loner. After all, it’s hard to make friends when you’re constantly moving. Why would this year be any different? At her new school, though, there’s a rumor that a mirror in the old second-floor bathroom will gr...
Phoenix loves nothing more than surfing. So when she’s grounded after failing yet another history test, she’s determined not to miss the last waves of the season. She’ll sneak out in the dead of night and surf by the light of the fu...
Chloe is all nerves for her first Wayfinders Unite overnight camp. After all, the sixth grader is better at reading about outdoor survival skills than actually putting them into practice. Not to mention the creepy tales of explorers disappearing in t...
Kingston can’t believe his rotten luck. A broken window from a game of street football has brought the soon-to-be sixth grader to the house of Mr. Levy, the neighborhood recluse. But then he hears a growl from inside. And a scream. Kingston rus...