Little Frank, a 120-year-old gangster who traded his imagination for a secure and long life, is the protagonist in this dark and dazzling novel set in an all-too-plausible near future. As the leader of a notorious gang, Little Frank is trapped in a l...
Christopher Hare has done well for himself: one of the world's top food writers, he has travelled to the best restaurants in the most exotic locations, accompanied by the chic dining companion known to readers of his lavish books as Th Glac. But when...
Selected stories from one of New Zealand's most well known authors, Ian Wedde. Largely written in the years between 1970 and 1980, the collection includes the award winning Dick Seddon's Great Dive....
Pregnant after rape, seventeen-year-old Josephina Hansen is exiled from her family home in Kiel in the north of Germany. She finds refuge with her sister's Danish family in Sønderborg, then in Hamburg with a philanthropic businessman and, la...
First published as a special issue of Robin Dudding' s literary magazine Islands (Vol. 5, No. 2, Winter 1976), Dick Seddon' s Great Dive won the 1977 New Zealand Book Award for Fiction, and was republished in The Shirt Factory...