"We have reached the distant horizon of an age of peace and prosperity!" When the TARDIS materialises on an alien planet, the Doctor insists that he and his companions have arrived in the far future. Steven and Dodo think otherwise, however, after...
The Doctor and his companions arrive at a city which appears to be a haven of beauty, harmony, and friendship, but they soon discover that the security of the city is founded on a deadly and appalling secret...
When the Doctor, Polly and Ben visit a human colony that appears to be one big holiday camp, they think they have come across a truly happy place. But a shadowy presence soon makes them realise that the surface contentment is carefully controlled. ...
William Hartnell as the Doctor with linking narration by Anneke Wills
" There s something alien about that Tower. "
It s 1966, and London s brand new Post Office Tower looms over the Doctor and Dodo as they step from the TARDIS. When the Docto...
An unabridged reading of this novelization of a classic 1967 TV adventure featuring the Second Doctor, as played by Patrick Troughton. In the far future a group of humans is living an idyllic existence on a distant planet. Their colony is run like a ...