This group of 70 short stories aims to recreate the brutality and horror, but also the unexpected beauty of life, on the eastern front during the Second World War. The author explores the dehumanizing cruelty of war but also shows how the human spiri...
Provides a fictionalized account of the August 1943 revolt of six hundred prisoners at the Treblinka concentration camp, an insurrection that left only forty survivors. Readers Guide included. Reprint....
From the lead story, in which a boy learns an important lesson in life from a prostitute, to the title story, a novella in which a young man does his best to comfort his mother and help her through her final days, these are stories about life in Hawa...
Fiction. A young woman tries to rebuild her life after moving away from Waikiki and the excesses of a self-destructive lifestyle with her drug-dealing boyfriend. She moves temporarily to her father's Molokai beach home, a ramshackle old house complet...
The Blind Fiddler is a fictional tale inter-weaved with real events in history. It is set during the 1700s mainly in the North-West Highlands of Scotland and is about the history of the Jacobites. We follow a family of MacMillans who live by Loch A...
In the sweltering summer of 1824, British merchant Matthew Davis finds himself drunk and delirious in the port of Honolulu, thinking he might like to hear about “the military exploits of the natives, their feather-bedecked kings and ferocious armie...