• Reni and Youichi were nothing more than drinking buddies. But when a night of imbibing goes a little too far, they find themselves drinking buddies with benefits! What begins as a drunken lark soon becomes a passionate affair. But Renji and Yo...
After a night of serious boozing, a jilted young man named Ryuka speakshis wish for true love atop a starlit hill. His words reach the ears ofIxto, the spirit of the last quarter moon, who decides to grant Ryuka'swish. Unfortunately for Ryuka, Ixto's...
Enchanted by the Spirit of the Last Quarter Moon to follow in his footsteps, the beleaguered young Ryuka discovers en route that all kinds of men (with varying degrees of morality) are attracted to his body like bees to honey. But despite Ryuka's ...
Bewitched by a spell that makes him popular to individuals of the same sex (!!) and leads him to chase his enchanter - the moon spirit Ixto - the chagrined Ryuka persecutes himself for being unable to make his body do what he wants it to! Instead, hi...
For breaking the rules and lending a helping hand to his beloved Ryuka, who is en route to the moon, the Moon Spirit, Ixto, finds himself a jailbird, imprisoned by the powers that be! And far from being understanding of his lover's sacrifice, Ryuka i...