Howard Gordon -- the longtime executive producer of the hit TV series 24 -- makes his fiction debut with a tale of political intrigue and international terrorism. Gideon Davis has just 48 hours to bring his rogue agent brother in -- before a twisted...
Trace the exciting adventures of Mark Engler as he takes you on an historic adventure that spans both the ages and all four corners of the Earth. In the traditions of James Michener and Edgar Rice Burroughs, Howard Gordon neatly combines history, psy...
From the executive producer of 24 and co-creator of Homeland, the exciting follow-up to Gideon's War involves a harrowing attempt to stop a homegrown terrorist plot to destroy the U.S. government. Gideon Davis has settled into the quiet life of an...
In Cry Heaven, Cry Hell, the author tries to open our eyes to show that even with good intentions roads can be paved to Hell. The story follows three men who lived evil ways and then repented. Two of the men die, but one remains to either be held acc...