Nanami has two grandmothers: Baachan, who lives with her family in Japan, and Gram, who lives in Maine. When Gram visits Japan for the first time, Baachan takes her and Nanami on a trip to the seaside to gather Wakame, a long, curvy seaweed that floa...
One year after the tsunami, this benefit fiction anthology helps teens learn about Japan and contribute to long-term relief efforts.This aptly named fiction anthology -- tomo means “friend” in Japanese -- is a true labor of friendship to benefit ...
A nuanced novel in verse that explores identity in a multicultural world. Emma Karas was raised in Japan; it's the country she calls home. But when her mother is diagnosed with breast cancer, Emma's family moves to a town outside Lowell, Massachus...
In a Japanese seaside neighborhood lives Jason Parker: a sixth grader one year older than his classmates a stinking foreigner to some classmates an orange belt in aikido a big brother Jason Parker is just a boy trying to get through his days ...
A lyrical exploration of the transition between day and night and of the animals who thrive during this special time. As day slips softly into night, sharp eyes catch glimpses of the special creatures who are active at dusk. Lyrical text and lu...
After his father dies, Kai experiences all kinds of emotions: sadness, anger, fear, guilt. Sometimes they crash and mix together. Other times, there are no emotions at all—just flatness. As Kai and his family adjust to life without Dad, the wav...