After her first girlfriend broke her heart, Saeki Sayaka swore she would never let herself fall in love again. Then she started high school--and met Nanami Touko. Drawn to each other from their very first meeting, the two girls develop a friendship t...
ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS YOU Christmas is here, and for the first time in her life, Adachi has someone she really wants to spend it with. Meanwhile, Shimamura agonizes over what to get Adachi as a present. They may not be standing under the mistle...
The yuri light novels about a sweet romance between high school girls--soon to be an anime series!
Adachi is skipping class when she first meets fellow truant Shimamura in the gym loft, and just like that, a friendship is born. Except now Ad...
A light novel spin-off for the hit manga and anime series Bloom Into You!
It's taken years for Saeki Sayaka to understand certain things about herself...including her sexuality. In this moving story that starts in her childhood, follow her ...
A light novel spin-off for the hit yuri manga and anime series Bloom Into You!
It''s taken years for Saeki Sayaka to understand certain things about herself...including her sexuality. In this moving story that starts in her childhood, follow...
NEW YEAR, NEW WOES It’s spring, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and Adachi and Shimamura have been assigned to the same second-year class! Hooray! But now Shimamura’s making new friends—so where does that leave Adachi? Can sh...
The second floor of the gym. That’s our spot. Class is in session right now, but they don’t hold class in a place like this. This is where Shimamura and I became friends. What is this feeling? Yesterday, I dreamed of kissing her. I’m not like t...
TWO’S COMPANY, THREE’S A CROWD Summer break is here, and Adachi’s determined to spend it with Shimamura. Unfortunately, Shimarmura’s old friend Tarumi has beaten her to the punch–as Adachi discovers when she catches the ...
A WALK DOWN MEMORY LANESee you later, Adachi! The Shimamura family's headed to the countryside to spend a few days with Grandma and Grandpa. But upon reuniting with an old four-legged friend, Shimamura comes face-to-face with her past—and her f...
Going bowling on the weekend, singing old songs at karaoke-with all the time they’re spending together, Adachi and Shimamura are finding out lots of surprising things about each other. And as the seasons change and Christmas approaches, Adachi’s ...
SUMMER LOVIN'Summer break is coming to an end, and Adachi and Shimamura are headed back to school—as a newly minted couple! It’s taken them a while to come this far, but the road ahead is still bumpy as they try to figure out this whole d...
HITTING THE ROADOctober has rolled around, and with it, the school trip! As usual, Adachi is only interested in being with Shimamura—and those antisocial tendencies are starting to backfire on her. Not to mention the little stowaway in Shimamur...
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and Adachi once again finds herself unsure of how to ask Shimamura to spend the holiday with her. What’s more, she’s determined to whip up the best chocolates she can to make the event truly special, b...
GOODBYE AUTUMN, WELCOME WINTER!Winter is in full swing, and Adachi and Shimamura are about to celebrate their second Christmas together–so what better time to pause and reflect on the journey that brought them this far? This holiday season, per...
Adachi and Shimamura are now in their second year of high school. Luckily, they’re in the same class this semester, but when Adachi sees Shimamura making friends with their new classmates so quickly, she starts to panic. Feeling left out, she begin...
HONESTY. COMMUNICATION. COMMITMENT.It’s the start of a new year, and Shimamura has finally come to terms with what it means to be Adachi’s girlfriend. As Valentine’s Day approaches, it’s time to stop running away… Can S...
SNAPSHOTS OF SUN AND SWEATFirst there were summers full of smiles, followed by summers full of stress. And then there were summers full of Adachi... For Shimamura, this year's vacation is a reminder of all the pivotal summer moments from her past!...
The yuri light novels about a sweet romance between high school girls–now an anime series!Adachi and Shimamura, two young women who attend the same high school, are inseparable friends. Whether playing table tennis, chatting about favorite TV s...
Summer vacation is here! This is the perfect chance to get closer to Shimamura, but with no school, Adachi won’t get to see her every day…So what’s the plan? Text Shimamura every day? Invite her out somewhere? The summer festival would have bee...
Why did I have to fall in love with my roommate? Takasora Hoshi’s life is upended when her schoolmate Umi Mizuike and her mother temporarily move into her family’s cramped apartment. From the outset of this arrangement, Takasora is annoyed by Umi...
Ever since Umi Mizuike suddenly became her roommate, Takasora Hoshi can’t get her out of her head. Umi is quiet, beautiful, and probably Takasora’s first love. Unfortunately, Umi is already in a relationship of sorts, with an adult woman who pays...
From youth to maturity. From skipping school to sharing a bed. From classmates to lovers. This short story collection features dozens of fleeting scenes that illuminate the tumultuous relationship between Adachi and Shimamura, ordinary girls with an ...
HEART TO HEART.From youth to maturity. From skipping school to sharing a bed. From classmates to lovers. This short story collection features dozens of fleeting scenes that illuminate the tumultuous relationship between Adachi and Shimamura, ordinary...
Chiki Rikunaka, the twisted kimono-wearing beauty and connoisseur of high school girls, has revealed her true identity. But is Umi reeling from this shocking revelation? Far from it—her infatuation only grows! Was Takasora’s first love do...
A HIGH-SCHOOL ROMANCE THAT COULD SPAN MILLENNIAAs Adachi and Shimamura share life as adults, they've never been happier. Their relationship's so close now, it may last into their golden years… maybe even for the next 3,700 years, in fact! Just...