Suzuki is a programmer in the midst of a death march-crunch time, when coders live on caffeine and pull twenty-hour days. He just needs a little nap...but then he has a dream. A dream where he's in another world, with RPG powers right out of his game...
Programmer Ichirou Suzuki is transported to another world. In a foreign land, he finds that life is an adventure that's sometimes fun, sometimes serious, and full of girls!...
Living in a gamelike fantasy world, Satou Suzuki is in no hurry to get back to his "death march" at home. He's content to take in the sights of Seiryuu City, go to a play with his friend Zena, and take care of the five girls in his party. After he di...
Satou has escaped the underground labyrinth and now owns two new slaves: Arisa and Lulu. And Arisa, who attempts to creep into his bed on her very first day, may be the only one in this world who can understand him......
Twenty-nine year old Satou just closed his eyes for a brief nap at work, but when he opened them, he found himself in a game-like alternate world. Fortunately, thanks to some excellent luck, his level is high, and his wallet is full. After success...
Having saved the mysterious elf girl and her protector, Satou faces his next challenge: ascending the Cradle, a training facility for elves packed with monsters and powerful guardians! Satou fights his way up, his sights set on the 200th floor-where ...
What's a journey without a few bumps in the road? All Satou wants is a leisurely vacation from the real world, but this time, his travels lead his party into the famously dangerous Muno Barony. Satou may be level 310, but even he has his hands ful...
After rescuing Muno Barony from disaster, Satou and crew head for dwarf territory and rescue an Oracle priestess from the demons! But for some reason, the attacks just keep coming... ...
After their journey down the river, Satou and crew finally arrive at the old capital just in time for the martial arts tournament, along with some fireworks, a ball at the castle, and sightseeing in the Ougoch Duchy. But the followers of the demon lo...
After escaping the collapsing Cradle, Satou reunites with his party. Now, with a new friend in tow, the time has come to bid Seiryuu City farewell. After making a promise to Zena, Satou sets off on a journey to take Mia back to her hometown, but on t...
After leaving Kainona, Satou and his companions resume their journey to bring Mia back to her hometown. Upon spotting a blank area on his map, Satou, overcome with curiosity, heads toward it on his own and finds himself in an unfamiliar forest. Littl...
A STRONG FRIENDSHIP BEGINS WITH A STRONG DRINK!As Satou and crew set out for more sightseeing, they catch up with the hero Hayato and learn of his many interests, including a particular fascination with Arisa...But it isn't long before the gang is on...
When a secret plot brewing in the darkness threatens the Forest of Illusions, it's up to Satou to save the day! Will he be able to stop it in time?...
A VERDANT VACATION!Mia's safe return to the elves of Bolenan Forest is cause for celebration! Satou and crew are showered with hospitality, including elegant music, lavish feasts, and an exclusive look at some of the most advanced technology in the w...
Trouble on the high seas!Having reached the end of their several-month stay in Bolenan Forest, Satou and the others decide to earn their sea legs as they resume their journey to Labyrinth City aboard their very own flying ship. But it wouldn’t be a...
Entering a territory marred by past tragedies (including attacks by Zen the Undead King), Satou faces new challenges. He’ll have to charge on through, but the obstacles are many -- including monsters, brigands, and even a fortress under attack by a...
Satou and his cadre arrive at Muno Castle, where a demon posing as a magistrate is in charge, and he’s got everyone fooled-or so he thinks...! The beastfolk girls try to take him down, but little do they know, a horde of goblins is preparing to lay...
Looking to deliver a letter from the Witch of the Forest of Illusions, Satou and his party decide to visit the village of the forest giants. He soon finds the villagers are still recovering from hydra attacks, including three children who were poison...
After his party’s valiant effort protecting the Muno Barony, Satou is officially knighted. He joins the ranks of the nobility, gaining no small amount of prestige in the process. After a brief stay at the castle, they all head to Bolehart City, whe...
WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE...With the demon threat neutralized, relative peace has returned to Labyrinth City, allowing the residents to shift their focus back to the labyrinth itself. Between the mysterious chain rampages and the untimely appearances o...
Satou and his cadre arrive at Muno Castle, where a demon posing as a magistrate is in charge, and he’s got everyone fooled -- or so he thinks...! The beastfolk girls try to take him down, but little do they know, a horde of goblins is preparing to ...
Satou and his companions have arrived in Gururian City, and all around them, mock battles are a common sight in preparation for the upcoming martial arts tournament. Meanwhile, the Wings of Freedom, a demon lord"worshiping cult, is giving speeches ...
A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES! Having toppled another powerful foe, Satou’s group heads back to Labyrinth City to celebrate their achievements. Upon returning, they’re greeted by two familiar faces-Zena and Karina have come to Celivera! Plans are made to...
After his party’s valiant effort protecting the Muno Barony, Satou is officially knighted. He joins the ranks of the nobility, gaining no small amount of prestige in the process. After a brief stay at the castle, they all head to Bolehart City, whe...
RISE AND GRIND! Desperate to protect those close to her, Zena approaches Satou with a simple wish: She wants to become stronger. Naturally, Satou agrees to help, and he and his party subject her to training so rigorous the other explorers can hardly ...
Showdown in Castle Town!Having successfully averted the airship attack, Satou and company arrive safely in the royal capital. There, they are reunited with Nana’s “sisters”-Numbers 1 through 8-and give them the gift of a lifetime. But as is tra...
A HERO’S WORK IS NEVER DONE!Enjoying a rare moment of respite, Satou and his party return to the royal capital to be decorated for their accomplishments. But there, they hear from Princess Sistina that the royal symbol -- the cherry blossom -- has ...
When Elder Dohal, lord of the dwarves, asks Satou to help forge a powerful new sword, his smithing skills are put to the test. After a long night sweating over the anvil, Satou’s new sword is finished, and its power is like nothing he’s ever seen...
Satou and company have arrived in Gururian City. All around them, mock battles are a common sight in preparation for the upcoming martial arts tournament. Meanwhile, Wings of Freedom, a demon lord-worshiping cult, is giving speeches all around the ar...
After dispatching the monsters laying siege to the royal capital and aiding in the bloom of the Royal Sakura blossoms, Satou and his party are finally able to welcome the New Year. Our sightseeing adventurers spend a healthy chunk of time indulging i...
After Sara is kidnapped for a sinister ritual, her body is possessed by the resurrected Demon Lord! What’s more, the Demon Lord’s minions stand in the way of any who would strive to free her from her cruel fate... Wasting no time, Satou sets off ...
FREEDOM, AT LONG LAST?After being appointed as Shiga Kingdom’s Vice-Minister of Tourism, Satou decides to take his party on a sightseeing trip around the country. Over the course of their leisurely journey, he and his crew go rafting, reunite with ...
THE HERO NEEDS A HERO!After a tip-off from a blue-haired goddess of a girl, it’s off to Parion Province for Satou and the party! There, they run into Hayato the Hero, who appears to be suffering the virulent effects of a curse from a demon lord! De...
Satou’s epic battle against the Demon Lord rages on as he strives to eliminate the source of the fiend’s power! Twelve times he has felled the foe before him, but a decisive victory yet eludes his grasp. With images of Sara’s lifeless body flas...
The Village Hidden in ParionAfter parting ways with Hayato the Hero, Satou and the party visit Parion Province and indulge in rich sights and regional delicacies. However, the highlight of their stay in Parion is the Village of Adepts! There, Tama, P...
Of Gods and Dragons…After settling their business with the demon lord in Parion Province, Satou and his companions head west. There, they encounter a beautiful, mysterious girl Satou’s AR display can’t seem to recognize, but her identity is sur...
After emerging victorious in a brutal battle to the death, Satou succeeds in reviving Sara and restoring peace to the land. But his duties as Nanashi the Hero are far from over, as many of the Demon Lord’s followers remain, and he’ll have...
Leaving the Western nations, Satou and his companions visit the Great Forest Labyrinth. In the fortress city of Arcadia, which serves as their base, they encounter an extraordinarily beautiful girl who looks exactly like Lulu. While helping her revit...
The Demon Lord’s followers raid the temple, but Satou, Ringrande, and the rest of the warriors fight valiantly to keep Sara safe and fend off the invaders. With little hope of success, the dark prince leading the charge abandons his offensive, ...