Yulek, a seventeen-year-old Holocaust survivor, finds himself tragically alone at war's end. Hoping to begin again, he makes his way to Palestine, where he meets a sad and beautiful Jewish girl named Theresa. Saved from the Nazis by Catholic nuns, Th...
A mesmerizing recreation of a village in Palestine and its characters, each gently and carefully called back from the past to tell their stories in a literary narrative of uncommon power and affection.
In 1917, the members of a spy ring who sough...
An inspiring novel; a philosophical love story; a moving ode to a woman, as joyful and celebratory as it is elegiac. The narrator of Melisande! What Are Dreams? is a man in his forties, a scholar of ancient Greek philosophy known as Hoo. He has been ...
An inspiring novel; a philosophical love story; a moving ode to a woman, as joyful and celebratory as it is elegiac. The narrator is a man in his forties, a scholar of ancient Greek philosophy known as Hoo. He has been given the nickname by Mellie, t...