Set in pre-9/11 Pittsburgh, Elegy for Sam Emerson commemorates a past that will abruptly end as the novel follows the fortunes of Sam Emerson, proprietor of an upscale Mount Washington restaurant with stunning views of the three rivers below. Middle-...
The fourteen stories in Masters?s third collection are set in New England, upstate New York, and various European locales. They range from a late-blooming romance between two shoeshine booth operators to uninvited mourners crashing the funerals of pe...
Fiction. Manhattan has been turned into the Perpetual Parking Plaza in an effort to thwart terrorism. The culprit is Kimball Lyon, New York's late governor. There are plenty of objections to his ruinous urban redevelopment. A hapless special investig...
Hilary Masters’s eighth novel explores a continent of abandonment -- of a child by a parent, of a people by their country, and of ideals by the nation founded upon them....