Bullied by his classmates, teenager Azuma Shinonome is sick of life...until a meeting with actor extraordinaire Sai Saionji changes everything. Sai sees the makings of a great thespian in Azuma, but fostering Azuma's potential might also mean drawing...
A game of Werewolf gets dark and personal, and all the neighborhood's a stage for a very special performance targeted at Azuma's classroom bully, Takumi. Facades don't only exist in the world of theater......
To save the Drama Club from being shut down, Sai volunteers to resign. Can Azuma convince him to return, or will the demons of the past prevent the Drama Club from entering the district competition?...
Shinonome has to deal with the rigors of portraying the fight against something that doesn't have a correct answer. It is the actors themselves who exist on the fictitious stage. As such, he is asked to put on an act that he "can do because he's him,...