A sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life begins!!At school, Kyouko Hori is known for being smart, attractive, and popular. On the other hand, her classmate, the boring, gloomy Izumi Miyamura tends to get painted as a "loser fanboy." But when a lib...
The sweet, "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!By all appearances, Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura are worlds apart. Bright and capable, Hori is always surrounded by classmates, the center of attention. For Miyamura, a quirky loner, getting...
A sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!The longer Hori and Miyamura keep each other's secrets, the closer they get. When Hori blurts out an inadvertent "I like you," will Miyamura respond in kind? Or could the slipup spell the end of ...
When Miyamura murmurs an "I like you" to Hori, who's laid up in bed with a fever, is he talking to himself? Or is he actually confessing to having feelings for her?! Hori is conflicted, but their secret-filled relationship is unmistakably changing li...
Hori and Miyamura are now officially a couple, and everyone knows it. But not everything's coming up roses for Miyamura, who's worried that people are talking about Hori behind her back. When his anxiety about being Hori's boyfriend reaches fever pit...
Connect, come together, and the world will change for the better one day at a time.Seeing Miyamura and Hori together every day feels natural. They play around, long for each other, and even get into fights on occasion. What will happen as their bitte...
The unbelievably attractive Akane Yanagi takes the stage...and maybe the lead from Miyamura?! The high school lives of the usual Kiri High suspects grow even livelier, as Hori abruptly starts demanding violence from Miyamura, the student council trio...
The sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!The Kiri High crew dives into the sports festival...and thanks to some fighting words from Hori, even phys ed-phobic Miyamura is fired up and raring to go?! As Sengoku's apathy, Sakura's lack o...
The sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!! Winter's here, and with it comes scarves and coats, snow, Christmas...and year-end blues? Love (and heartbreak) is still in the air, but Hori's thoughts turn to the future and what it holds ...
The sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!Hori and Miyamura decide to ring in the New Year at the local shrine...but with it comes their last term in high school. As the pair and their friends return to their everyday lives and usual h...
Not everyone is as quick on the draw as Hori and Miyamura when it comes to love. Ever the trustworthy friend, Ishikawa has seen the couple through thick and thin, but his own heart seems to be taking a more meandering road to romance. Having realized...
Something's got the usually quiet Sakura all fidgety! And for once, it's not Tohru! Will sparks fly when Sakura, unexpectedly worked up by a shounen manga, of all things, runs into the equally quiet Yanagi, himself a shounen manga fanboy?!...
The sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!When he's out and about, Iura's the lovable guy who gets on everyone's nerves. But at home, he's actually a strict yet kind older brother! Just like Hori and Miyamura, there's more to their fri...
The sweet "aww"-inspiring tale of school life continues!!The student council members are usually pretty buddy-buddy. But that's not to say they get along 24-7...When an all-out fight explodes among them, will it be just another chapter of their avera...
The sweet “aww”-inspiring tale of school life continues!! So…what exactly are Yuki and Tooru? A cute moment between Tooru’s not-quite-girlfriend and the helpless physics teacher Nakamine lead to new realizations for both Tooru…and their tea...
The sweet “aww”-inspiring tale of school life comes to a close!! As the school year concludes and the building empties with the newly graduated students planning to leave for good, Miyamura wanders the hallways one last time. Wondering who he wo...
A snapshot of the sweet “aww”-inspiring tale of school life!! Celebrating the first hundred chapters of Horimiya, collected in this memorial book are a treasure trove of original illustrations posted in commemoration of new chapter releas...
What happens when you put one down-on-his-luck amateur novelist and one amnesiac ghost girl in one bargain-priced haunted apartment? You get the punch line of Bambi’s life. The good news is, Ako is neither the ghost of the person who supposedly com...
A ghost...or not a ghost? That is the question, and the entire reason an amateur novelist, a psychic, and a high school girl go traipsing around a culture festival. Once there, they discover the secret behind Ako’s existence! Or so they think... Bu...
Accepting others is difficult. Accepting yourself is even harder. But that’s exactly what needs to be done if Yamashiro ever wants to stop her ghostly alter ego, Ako, from haunting amateur novelist Bambi. Still, that would mean forgiving herself an...
The sweet “aww”-inspiring tale of school life lives forever in your hearts!!They met. They graduated. And now they’re living their best lives. But it’s good for the soul to take a stroll down memory lane…back to a time when each and every d...
She no longer disappears with the dawn. As the distinctions between Ako and Yamashiro become more and more defined, Ako’s ghostly form has become much less phantasmic. However, the question remains—can Ako and Yamashiro ever become fully-...
At long last, Ako and Yamashiro meet. Torn apart by Yamashiro’s hatred of the parts of herself that make up Ako, is there any chance they’ll ever reconcile? Especially when the origin of Yamashiro’s breakdown crashes their reunion.....