“A chronicle of one summer in a boy’s coming of age” -- the international bestselling classic that became the basis for the Oscar-winning film (Medium). Captivating and evocative, Herman Raucher’s semi-autobiographical tale has been ma...
“Slick, smart, raunchy entertainment” from the international bestselling author of the classic Summer of ’42 (Kirkus Reviews). Ben is the writer who can’t seem to make it; Ginnie is the dancer who can’t seem to miss. In 1951 they are...
“Told with icy precision of eye and ear and a wink of wicked humor . . . First-rate haunted-house creepiness” from the bestselling author of Summer of ’42 (Kirkus Reviews). Austin Fletcher, a disturbed young Vietnam War ve...
The international bestselling author of Summer of ’42 delivers a darkly comic love story. “A strange and moving tale with a shocker climax” (The Boston Globe). Tiger is a nineteen-year-old runaway who comes to the big city to start anew....