The mystery surrounding a man sealed into a West Virginia coal mine horrifies the public and threatens the entire state's mining industry. Investigator Josh Draper and delectable sidekick Annie McBride risk their lives to unravel the mystery. A wallo...
In 1946, a powerful freight train storms across West Virginia. Half a century later, police learn the terrible truth about that night. The railway mystery sets off a bizarre series of present-day crimes that threaten to derail State Police detective ...
It's a misty night on Puckachee Mountain high in the Alleghenies. A violent storm has cut power and rendered roads nearly impassable. Then a young professor's body is found under a fallen power line...with bite wounds in her skull. This is another fa...
Pick up a glass of fine wine and join West Virginia police detective Josh Draper and his spunky sidekick Annie McBride in another puzzling murder mystery, this involving a treasure from the past. When an Italian diplomat turns up dead at a rambling e...