A wordless picture book follows the adventures of a pair of monkeys who open up a yellow umbrella, sail off from the city zoo to the ocean, and drift along in their makeshift boat to a happy family reunion...
Make room in your suitcase for this monstrously entertaining guide to fantastic creatures around the world -- and how to elude them.
I did not make any of this up.
Do you know why you should have baby teeth handy when visiting the Mid...
The droll, offbeat tale of a pudge who escapes the pudge-eating world to find personal growth -- and change his destiny
Hubert is a pudge, and pudges can never grow up. Instead, they are trucked off to the meat factory when they are still yo...
From the unparalleled Henrik Drescher comes a wickedly funny story about the perils of runaway rivalry (with a happy ending).
McFig lives with his daughter, Rosie, in a lovely little cottage far away from anywhere big and important. One day, M...
A warning: "You should never monkey around with a Beastie " Once upon a time a little boy and girl named Paul and Judy had a pet called Beastie. Unfortunately, Paul and Judy weren't very nice to Beastie. In fact they were downright naughty. They pull...
Be kind to your pets! That’s the message of Love the Beastie. Gross, outrageous, but pure fun in a book, Love the Beastie is a pull and poke, spin and play, and cuddle and kiss Valentine for kids and especially kids with pets.
Meet Pau...
Mo, a little boy who doesn't want to eat his dinner, turns himself into a series of ever-expanding monsters that eat virtually everything except stringbeans and cheese souffle, including math teachers and entire countries...