Hilarious, dark, and thoroughly entertaining, Getting a Life proves Helen Simpson to be one of the finest observers of women on the edge. Set in and around contemporary London, these nine stories explore both the blisses and irritations of domestic l...
A sensational new short story collection about women’s lives, from Britain’s master of the genre: “A masterful contemporary exponent of the genre, Simpson now deserves to be compared with Flannery O’Connor and Alice Munro.”
"The Observ...
Helen Simpson's stories are short but by no means small. One story takes the Iraq war as its subject; another describes a smoker's reprieve from death by lung cancer; in another, a simple tale of home maintenance--a woman in a conversation with the c...
A new collection of stories -- dazzling, poignant, wickedly funny, and highly addictive -- by the internationally acclaimed writer whose work The Times (London) calls "dangerously close to perfection." These thirteen stories brilliantly focus on aspe...
Since the publication of Four Bare Legs in a Bed, her first collection, Helen Simpson has been hailed as one of the best short story writers at work today. These are wickedly funny, heartfelt, and sensuous stories that deal with the full stretch, fro...
Brilliant, funny and tragic, Four Bare Legs in a Bed is an outstanding and invigorating collection of short stories. In Simpson's uniquely imaginative and sensuous voice, we hear of the mixed blessings of independence and marriage, of sex and babies....
Enjoy Helen Simpson’s sharply funny, humane take on the everyday joys and struggles of motherhood in this perfect Mother’s Day gift.
A wickedly wry, tender new collection from one of our finest internationally acclaimed short story writers. Nine virtuoso stories that take up the preoccupations and fixations of time's passing and of middle age and that take us from today's Lond...
In these nine virtuoso stories, Helen Simpson turns her wickedly wry wit to the stations of life, the vulnerabilities of age, and the lives of ordinary people in complicated times. The title story follows two old friends as they ride the London Under...