A debut collection of short stories from a writer whose work has appeared in the leading small magazines, stories that focus on surprising characters who maintain vibrancy in the face of sometimes appalling odds...
The life of Kenneth Gordon Gold, a young man killed in a fatal car accident, is captured through the indelible memories, grief, and hopes of his parents, siblings, friends, lovers, and a witness to the accident...
In a novel that is part love story, part black comedy, and part searing family tragedy, Dr. David Hershleder, a brilliant but tortured Jewish neurologist on the cusp of turning forty, is thrown out of the house by his shiksa wife. He still loves her ...
A black comedy about the difficulties and absurdities of confronting the past.
Dr. David Hershleder, a brilliant but tortured neurologist, has been thrown out of the house by his wife. Stumbling numbly through life, he no longer knows how to...
The marriage of Gerhard and Suzannah Falktopf is already in trouble when tragedy strikes on the morning of September 11, 2001. As the quintessentially hip, downtown, art couple--he a famous choreographer; she his muse, principal dancer, and now mothe...
When the Bergamots move from a comfortable upstate college town to New York City, they're not quite sure how they'll adapt -- or what to make of the strange new world of well-to-do Manhattan. Soon, though, Richard is consumed by his executive role at...
From Helen Schulman, the acclaimed author of the New York Times bestseller This Beautiful Life, comes another "gripping, potent, and blisteringly well-written story of family, dilemma, and consequence" (Elizabeth Gilbert) -- a mind-bending novel set ...
AN OPRAH DAILY BEST NOVEL OF THE YEAR • The paths of two women on opposite ends of a high-profile sexual abuse scandal set them on a devastating collision course."Part thriller, part Hollywood satire, Lucky Dogs is a brash, sometimes heartbrea...
A virtuosic, laugh-out-loud collection of stories that explore the fraught and fantastic nature of human connection -- featuring women, men, various couples, and one terribly precocious baby enmeshed in tangled romances of all shapes and sizesThe wid...