When Joy takes her old friend Leonard Derbyshire to a singles evening, she never anticipates the havoc he will cause. A distracted, eccentric film animation artist who suffers from narcolepsy, he severely injures the transvestite Tania Galway-Lamb an...
The story of one woman's various entanglements with a series of unsuitable men. Roz fall in love with a musical performer, Ivor Mostance. After he goes on tour, Roz discovers she's pregnant. She tries to get on with her life but the image of Ivor is ...
Verity is a compassionate girl, especially when it comes to animals. The hideous happenings in battery huts haunt her dreams and drive her onto the street with leaflets. However, she finds her lover, Christopher, hard to tolerate and when he becomes ...
An angry Eleanor Hobbs leaves her husband, Hugo, behind in London and goes to Liverpool to tend Uncle Hunt, who is in hospital. She doesn't want to divorce Hugo - a former conjuror - she simply wants to see less of him....