A stunning debut novel that examines the price of loyalty, the burden of regret, the meaning of salvation, and the sacrifices we make for those we love In the summer of 1935, six-year-old Emily Evans vanishes from her family’s vacation home on a...
Dana is an adventurous girl and who better to go on adventures with than a dragon.
What would YOU do if you had a dragon best friend?
A simple and easy to read, rhyming picture book. Great for the beginning reader to read with an adult or a...
A young boy finds himself at the center of a murder mystery in this timely and twisty thriller from the author of the acclaimed The Lost Girls―a compelling and indelible story set in small town America that examines the burden of guilt, the bitter ...
Lu has come a long way since her time of being held captive, but still fights the demons of her past despite how far she has come. Her little sister Lillianna is no stranger to the trauma either. The Rebels Legion MC has given them peace of mind and ...