The political intrigue aboard Deep Space 9 escalates when Gul Macet's warship arrives at the station with an unexpected passenger. Cardassian Ambassador Natima Lang has returned to the station on a mission of hope, but it's one that...
In the wake of the catastrophic events of Wildfire, P8 Blue returns to her homeworld, only to find herself caught up in a web of intrigue. Strange disappearances among her fellow Nasats and odd happenings throughout her homeland have stymied local au...
On the eve of a great celebration of their ancient past, the unusual and mysterious Andorians, a species with four sexes, must decide just how much they are willing to sacrifice in order to ensure their survival. Biological necessity clashes with per...
A wake of destruction and loss threatens the U.S.S. Voyager as Chakotay assumes command. Grief over Janeway's impending death coupled with anxiety brought on by the disappearance of Paris, K...
What's Past A special six-part S.C.E. event that flashes back to previous adventures of the S.C.E. crew from the 23rd century to the height of the Dominion War, with special guests from all across the Star Trek universe! 2374: The planet Bynaus has...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Heather Jarman has published 5 books.
Heather Jarman does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, 10 Is Better Than 01, was published in September 2006.
The first book by Heather Jarman, This Gray Spirit, was published in September 2002.