Perfect for fans of Rory Power and Laurie Halse Anderson, this sharp, emotional debut follows two girls as they navigate tumultuous relationships, the effects of trauma, and what empowerment means to them. Ali Greenleaf and Blythe Jensen couldn...
"A riveting, intimate portrayal of just how intense and all-consuming female friendships can be. Urgent and piercing, The Falling Girls is a gut-punch of a book." -- Jessica Goodman, New York Times bestselling author of They Wish They Were Us and Th...
A smart, juicy, and page-turning novel about celebrity, fandom, and the price of ambition following a journalist's obsessive search for a missing Hollywood starletWhen Echo Blue, the most famous child star of the nineties, disappears ahead of a highl...
The Substance meets Girl in Pieces, in this new YA psychological thriller exploring the dark secrets of the wellness and beauty world, brimming with sapphic romance, class exploration, and friendship clashes.Frances Bean has always been content livin...