By the summer of 1916, there is still no end to the war in sight and in the Sussex village of Ashden, as elsewhere, optimism has given way to stoicism. In the year that follows, bereavements and shortages take their toll on village life, and at the R...
Tara Maitland is strangely attracted to wild, gipsyish Josh Santine and intrigued by the revelation that his great-grandfather wrote a ballet for the love of his life -- Tara's great-grandmother. As the mystery unfolds, history threatens to repeat it...
When Lucia first meets David Fraser, trustee of an art foundation dedicated to the work of the American sculptor Charles Carr, she falls irrevocably in love. But there are problems in store: Lucia, fascinated by Carr's work--especially his monumental...
Jennie Trent has three loves in her life: her family at the Station House, deep in the Kent countryside; Applemere, the mysterious great house nearby, to which so many important visitors come; and Jack Colby, her father's porter. Applemere guards its...
A heart-warming story about an innovative idea to save one family's business What more could she want? Jennie Pencarek is living next to her beloved Applemere House with her bookseller husband Richard and their children. But Jennie's life is turned u...
Can you trust a man who has secrets he won’t share? It’s been seven years since the brutal murder of Emma Cardale’s best friend, Laura, and Emma’s only just managed to pick up the pieces. She has a job she enjoys, and a wonderful man in J...
In 1927 Daffodil Muckle and Gabriel Scott-Ingles began a friendship which Gabriel's father was determined to stop. Now, in the summer of 1938, Gabriel has come home, full of dreams and determined to follow his own heart, regardless of duty. Daffodil,...
Volume 4 in a heart-warming First World War family saga begins at Christmas, 1917 in the Rectory in the Sussex village of Ashden. It follows the lives and loves, joys and tragedies of the Rectory inhabitants....
Anna Fontenay is bent on restoring the ancient rose garden of Fontenay Castle, but is drawn into a centuries-old feud between two rival families after a skeleton is unearthed. She finds herself at odds with Joss Foxley, the enigmatic gardener she emp...
A tale of intrigue and spanning a century
When Rachel French finds an unpublished cookery manuscript written by her great-aunt, she sets out to do some research into her aunt's life. She ends up starting a cookery business based on the recipes and...