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Haro Aso's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    34 Books
  • First Book:
    October 2011
  • Latest Book:
    December 2025
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Book List in Order: 34 titles

  • Shunpei and his friends are in a global face-off with the forces of evil as a terrible sorcerer's curse follows them from the African savannas to Shunpei's own schoolyard. They've got to find Detox, a mystical weapon that may be able to flush out pur...

  • Shunpei Closer has low self-esteem and doesn't seem to be good at anything. His teddy bear, Hyde, was a gift from Shunpei's grandfather, Alsyd Closer, who was the King of Sorcerers. After a mysterious attack, Shunpei learns that he is the target of s...

  • Now that Shunpei has seen the danger of the cursed dolls and their masters, he must develop his magic skills to protect himself. Can he find the strength to live up to the legacy of the King of Sorcerers?...

  • "Eat Shunpei's heart and gain the power of the King of Sorcerers..." The source of this rumor is finally revealed as Shunpei faces new enemies. What is the dark ambition of the stranger known as the "Watcher in the Window"?...

  • A reformed hoodlum is powerless to stop an unscrupulous sorcerer who can break his opponent's bones with a chance roll of a die. But should a guardian angel happen to appear with a chainsaw in hand, maybe luck will be on his side…...

  • Shunpei's facing his biggest threat yet -- a mob of 100 sorcerers who have no qualms about hurting anyone that gets in their way. But with Hyde out of the picture, has Shunpei completely given up the fight…?!...

  • Final Volume! Nothing less than the fate of humanity is at stake as Shunpei and Hyde and their small gang of friends fight to fend off an evil curse of monumental proportions. Will Hyde and Closer survive the dastardly plans of the Watcher in the Win...

  • In a trash-filled apartment, 24-year-old Akira Tendo watches a zombie movie with lifeless, envious eyes. After spending three hard years at an exploitative corporation in Japan, his spirit is broken. He can’t even muster the courage to confess his ...

  • Akira and Kencho make an impromptu trip to Ikebukuro to snag a widescreen TV. But before they can find one, they wind up trapped by zombies in a department store along with a couple of beautiful girls. As Akira tries to cozy up to one of them, the co...

  • One by one, Akira has been checking little items like cleaning his room and snagging a new TV off his bucket list. Now, having grown weary of the hotbed of infection that is Tokyo, Akira makes the decision to head to his parents’ home in Gunma. But...

  • Having overcome his abusive former boss, Akira’s back on the road to his parents’ home in Gunma. The journey is full of zombies and side trips, but some sushi, hot springs, treehouses, and a surprising new traveling companion keep the good times ...

  • Looking to cross another item off his bucket list, Akira has returned to his rural hometown to show his parents the appreciation they deserve. There, he reunites with former college classmate-turned-dropout Kanta Higurashi, who’s knocking entries o...

  • The first game starts with a bang, but Ryohei manages to beat the clock and save his friends. It’s a short-lived victory, however, as they discover that winning only earns them a few days’ grace period. If they want to get home, they’re going t...

  • Akira has returned home to his parents’ village to repay his folks for all they’ve done for him. But his former classmate Kanta Higurashi and his gang have shown up to wreak havoc on the quiet community by flooding it with zombies. Forced into a ...

  • Life in Borderland can be grim, but after completing two games Arisu feels like he might be getting a handle on how his new world works. Chota and Shibuki’s visas are expiring soon, however, so the group doesn’t have time to be picky about their ...

  • Akira and the gang head out to save the world. Their goal? Hokkaido and the northernmost tip of Japan. Why? Because they feel like it. Unfortunately, they run out of gas 246 kilometers short of their destination. Can an item on their bucket list save...

  • Aguni now has control of the Beach, and one of his first actions as king is to lock Ryohei in a room on one of the empty floors of the hotel to die of an expired visa. But Ryohei gets an unexpected stay of execution when the Beach becomes the arena f...

  • Akira and the gang’s trip takes them to the Sea of Japan. In Niigata, the home of rice production, Shizuka’s love of Japanese sake means they’re headed straight for a brewery. Being drunk off your rocker is all fun and games until you-know-what...

  • The Beach has turned into a killing ground as Aguni and his men use the witch-hunt game as an excuse to take out everyone in sight. Arisu and his friends must race to understand the logic behind the game and identify the real witch before they join t...

  • After hearing news of a vaccine in the making, Akira and the gang head to Osaka to investigate. But the zombies of Dotombori aren’t your garden-variety zombies. Arriving to help the gang in their fight is a college buddy of Akira and Kencho’s nam...

  • Arisu and his companions have managed to defeat the Dealers, but the battle isn’t over yet. Now they must take on the Face Cards -- 12 players who have the dubious honor of being Borderland “royalty.” Arisu hopes they are close to going home, b...

  • Will fortune favor Takemina when he bets it all to snap Akira out of his wealth-filled delusions? After that, it’s time for a change of scenery in the ancient capital of Kyoto. The group arrives together, but the boys quickly split off for some “...

  • The battle against the King of Clubs continues as Arisu and his team struggle to make up for their shocking point deficit. But no matter what strategy they try, the king and his compatriots maintain the upper hand. When each move is a matter of life ...

  • Akira and company make it to Shikoku and take on a massive 1,300-kilometer pilgrimage! But just as they’re getting used to the austere monastic life, Beatrix is captured by a group of coldhearted criminals! Can her friends save her without breaking...

  • Most of the Face Card games continue to be a deadly challenge to Borderland’s visitors, their often complicated or confusing rules meant to trick players into dooming themselves. In contrast, the King of Spades’ game is refreshingly direct -- kil...

  • Having been caught in a compromising position with another girl, Akira wants nothing more than to clear the air with Shizuka. But when zombies break free of the hold of their boat, the two of them fall overboard and are washed up on a deserted island...

  • Not every visitor to Borderland spends their time struggling to survive. Much like Arisu, some are hunting for the truth behind the strange and deadly world they’ve landed in. But whether that means searching for the boundaries of their strange pri...

  • After Shizuka is bitten by a zombie, Akira and the gang place their faith in the vaccine researcher Tsurumi. To save her, they will have to gamble on their trump card, Izuna, the girl immune to the infection. Later, a military-grade helicopter appear...

  • After stumbling on a dealer’s bunker, Arisu is even more determined to uncover the terrible truth behind Borderland. But that means he and Usagi will have to abandon their plans to sit out the games and instead seek out the last person who might ha...

  • Izuna has snapped into the team leader role with panache, but the final boss’s recovery ability puts the gang in desperate straits! Later, in Hakata, Kencho takes a trip back home, but will he find his family’s house still standing? And just who ...

  • After noticing that “Meet the woman of my dreams” has been crossed off the bucket list, Shizuka suddenly remembers Akira’s reaction when she was bitten by a zombie. The two go into such a panic that even the Nagasaki dolphins avoid them, sensin...

  • Now that Akira and Shizuka are officially an item, the gang hits the road again in Kyushu. Their adventure comes to an abrupt stop, however, when they run out of gas in the mountains. When an argument breaks out among the group, Takemina and Izuna re...

  • Doubling back from Kyushu, the group finds itself in Kagoshima, headquarters of Space W. Despite the zombie pandemic, Space W’s president, Ukaji, is chasing his dreams of bringing humanity to the stars! With the company's first unmanned shuttle lau...

  • Akira and the gang arrive at the International Space Station and find themselves face-to-face with space zombies! Takemina and Ukaji go EVA to find a way to get the team back to Earth, but they encounter an unexpected problem. Meanwhile, Shizuka and ...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Haro Aso has published 34 books.

The next book by Haro Aso, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, Vol. 18, will be published in December 2025.

The first book by Haro Aso, Hyde & Closer, Volume 6, was published in October 2011.

No. Haro Aso does not write books in series.