After being disgraced and wrongly imprisoned, special military operative Jake Hatcher finds himself standing watch against an unimaginable threat to humanity. For he's about to discover that the streets of New York City have become a secret battlegro...
Someone is trying to open a portal to Hell, and some others will do anything to stop it
Or so they say.
Jake Hatcher, lying low in Southern California, isn't all that surprised when he's asked to jump back into the battle between salvation an...
American Nocturne is a tour de force of dark fantasy from two-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author Hank Schwaeble, a collection of original, first-time stories of horror and noir alongside a select number of his published short fiction combined in w...
Never one to leave well enough alone, ex-special forces interrogator and demon magnet, Jake Hatcher, went looking for trouble and found it. Finally able to be with the woman he truly loves, his bank account swollen beyond proportion, life for any...