Kotetsu Miyasaka is a kendo prodigy. While his twin brother, Yayoi, practices the sport, though, he lacks his sibling's skill, enrolling in a different school to try and differentiate himself. When things go wrong at Yayoi's new school, though, Kotet...
Kotetsu and the rest of the Satsuma roshi band set out to protect the life of Lord Sakamoto who has been targeted for assassination. Turns out, though, that this isn't the easiest guy to defend! Can Sagara and his men stand against the bloodthirsty S...
Sakamoto has been successfully scooped off the streets of Kyoto to the safety of the Satsuma mansion once again. But even under constant guard, the Hero of Japan--and his amorous inclinations--cannot be contained! Despite the dangers, Sakamoto ventur...
Despite his hopeful ideals for the future of the empire, Sagara remains troubled by his past. With Kotetsu's support, the two visit the home of one of Sagara's former students, Seitarou, hoping to learn what became of him and what may be driving the ...