Perfect for fans of isekai, videogame, and fantasy manga , follow the story of Kanzaki Rei, an avid gamer who is transported into the dangerous world of his favorite videogame!Kanzaki Rei is an avid gamer, but his debts are mounting up as the expensi...
The life-or-death online game continues! Rei Kanzaki is an avid gamer, but his debts are mounting up as he continues to pay for his sister’s expensive medical treatments. He reluctantly returns to the game in order to get more money, but the t...
Perfect for fans of isekai, video game, and fantasy manga fans, follow the story of Kanzaki Rei, an avid gamer who is transported into the dangerous world of his favorite video game!Kanzaki Rei is an avid gamer, but his debts are mounting up as the e...