“‘Level up even while offline’?! That’s not a game on ‘easy mode’ -- that’s just an AFK game!” The online game Yamada Kenichi had been playing religiously is shutting down its servers, leaving him with a void in his heart. He looks f...
A new adventure awaits Allen as he enters the service of a noble! After climbing up the social ladder from serf to manservant, Allen now finds himself dragged around by the whims of the willful young lady of the house, Cecil Granvelle. Despite this,...
How is “No-life Gamers” as a party name?! The Academy City arc starts off with a bang! After leaving the service of House Granvelle, Allen enrolls in the Academy together with Cecil, as well as Krena and Dogora who have come all the way from Kre...
Diving straight into the Rohzenheim War! Rohzenheim, nation of the elves, is under attack by the Demon Lord Army and on the verge of total annihilation. Heeding the requests of his home country and Sophialoneh -- crown princess of Rohzenheim and No-...
After defeating a Demonic Deity and leading Rohzenheim to victory, the No-life Gamers now set their sights on the Rank S dungeon. Before they head to Baukis, though, Allen uses his new elven connections to arrange for the Gamers to graduate from the ...
'Level up even while offline’?! That’s not a game on ‘easy mode’—that’s just an AFK game!” The online game Yamada Kenichi had been playing religiously is shutting down its servers, leaving him with a void in ...
An impossible dungeon versus an unstoppable team -- the No-life Gamers are back at it again, this time testing their mettle against the Rank S dungeon. In their latest adventure, Allen and the party are working hand in hand with Helmios and Sacred, Z...
A new adventure awaits Allen as he enters the service of a noble! After climbing up the social ladder from serf to manservant, Allen now finds himself dragged around by the whims of the willful young lady of the house, Cecil Granvelle. Despite this, ...
Just when Allen and the No-life Gamers think they’ve finally bought themselves some time to savor clearing of the Rank S dungeon, they receive a call for help from the Holy Land of Elmahl. The execution of the Pontiff of Daemonism has failed, and t...
How is “No-life Gamers” as a party name?! The Academy City arc starts off with a bang! After leaving the service of House Granvelle, Allen enrolls in the Academy together with Cecil, as well as Krena and Dogora, who have come all the way ...
With the daemonic incarnations running rampant and turning innocent bystanders into monsters, it’s up to Allen and the No-life Gamers to take care of them and save the people from imminent doom. Beast Princess Shia and her army of beastkin soldiers...
New friends like Meruru and Sophie join the No-life Gamers, strengthening the party! Then, the Academy Martial Arts Tournament is announced, with Krena and Allen both agreeing to participate! Allen, who was initially reluctant to enter, is enticed by...
Allen begins developing his own island and army, aiming to do so as efficiently as possible. From having elves create a habitable environment to testing out the easiest possible route through the class promotion dungeon, Allen has a lot on his plate....