Set mainly in Uzbekistan between 1900 and 1980, this compelling novel introduces to us the inhabitants of the small town of Gilas on the ancient Silk Route. Among those whose stories we hear are Mefody-Jurisprudence, the town's alcoholic intellectu...
The “reality novel” A Poet and Bin-Laden set in Central Asia at the turn of the 21st century against a swirling backdrop of Islamic fundamentalism in the Ferghana Valley and beyond, gives a first-hand account on the militants and Taliban’s int...
Named one of the best Russian novels of the 21st Century, The Underground is the unforgettable story of an abandoned mixed-race boy navigating the wondrous and terrifying city of Moscow before the Soviet Union s collapse.
I am Moscow s undergrou...
A haunting Russian tale about the environmental legacy of the Cold War.
Yerzhan grows up in a remote part of Soviet Kazakhstan where atomic weapons are tested. As a young boy he falls in love with the neighbour's daughter and one eveni...
On New Years' Eve 1938, the writer Abdulla Qodiriy is taken from his home by the Soviet secret police and thrown into a Tashkent prison. There, to distract himself from the physical and psychological torment of beatings and mindless interrogation...
East meets West in a modern Sufi parable about the search for truth
"Learned, strange and charming." "" The Guardian
In the latest thrilling multi-stranded epic from the award-winning author of The Devils' Dance,...
From Uzbek author-in-exile Hamid Ismailov comes a dark new parable of power, corruption, fraud, and deception. Ismailov narrates an intimate clash of civilizations as he follows the lives of three expatriates living in England. Domrul is a young Turk...
A multilayered exploration of poetry, authorship, and digital intelligence by “a writer of immense poetic power” (The Guardian) In the late 1980s, French poet and psychologist Jon-Perse finds himself in possession of one of the mos...